Studio Legale Associato Cerino D'Angelo

Trademark watch

Trademark registration allows the title owner to the exclusive use of trademark and the capacity to protect it in a selected area (enforce the trademark).
The title owner has the right to prevent any unauthorised use of the same (or similar) particularities that distinguish goods and/or services specified in trademark registration application.

The trademark registration allows the title owner getting opposition against the application of identical (or similar) trademark later introduced by third parties; this opposition is the faster and cheaper procedure to defend a trademark, but it has to be done within a precise period of time.

In fact, if the title owner find out a registration application of identical (or similar) trademarks and the opposition deadline is expired, he has to start proceedings to protect his exclusive rights; this could cause a longer and more expensive litigation.

Trademarks supervision service allows the title owner to delegate our law firm the constant monitoring of Official Trademarks Record in order to get opposition against the registration application of identical (or similar) trademark later introduced for the same area by third parties.